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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  February 3, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PST

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the northeast pounded by a new deadly record-breaking snowstorm. this morning, roads covered with ice. thousands of flights canceled. schools closed as a new arctic chill moves in. we will break down what you need to know for this day. measles outbreak spreading this morning. new cases creating concern and controversy this morning as some politicians weigh in on if
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parents should vaccinate. and breaking overnight, the release of pictures of fidel castro. we are live in havana with what these new pictures mean. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm john berman. >> i'm christine romans. it is 4:00 a.m. in the east. the northeast and the midwest digging out from the record-breaking deadly snowstorm. plows struggling to keep up with heavy, wet snowfall. this on top of those deep accumulations from last week. boston smashing a record for the snowiest seven days in the city's history at 34.2 inches. the giant winter storm is blamed for at least ten deaths in seven states. 4,300 flights cancelled. that is on top of thousands more scratched on sunday. i want to bring in meteorologist pedram javaheri for the word on whether we turned the corner
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here. are there more big storms ahead, pedram? >> good morning, guys. nice seeing you. a couple more storms remaining for the week. i don't think they will be blockbuster storms. look at the temperatures. 9 in boston. 13 and snowshowers at 11:00 afternoon night in boston. the windchills, when you factor in the pkwindchills minus 9. the average near in boston 43 inches. 40 inches has come down in the past seven days. 47 in the past ten days. both numbers are record for the span of dates. high temperatures today in the mid-20s. cold enough to support the snow sticking around. high pressure building. generally clear skies until wednesday and thursday. the white indicates another round and clipper system coming in. snowshowers are possible.
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models disagree on how much again. does not look like a major snowmaker, but what i can guarantee will happen later in the week, another blast of arctic air toward that region of the northeast. we have snow on the ground and temperatures not getting apart from freezing. it gets colder. about 18 degrees is the low temperature in new york on wednesday. drops to 7 after a warm up. up to 31 in the overnight hours of thursday morning for a low. boston gets down to around 2 degrees later in the week. yes, a few more flurries possible wednesday and thursday but temperatures potentially colder than what we are seeing right now, john and christine. not a good set up. >> no melting. that's the key. pedram thanks. the storm brutal for boston. creating chaos, even more people out trying to have fun. look at that. those guys losing control of their four wheeler.
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they whack into that car. what do you do? >> get right back on. >> you speed off. bad idea. the storm slammed waves over the sea wall in marshfield massachusetts. that caused serious flooding there. the storm has forced the delay until wednesday of jury selection in the trial of accused boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev. also postponed is the parade for the new england patriots. they did make it home to new england overnight. you can see them right there arriving by bus in foxborough where they play their games. cnn's mike todd has been out on the streets in boston. he has the latest. >> reporter: the greater boston area is glad to be coming out of the second major snow system in less than a week. from our camera vantage point in the roving vehicle, we will show
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you the dashboard camera. look at conditions along i-93. one of the busiest in massachusetts. treacherous conditions. the road is now with temperatures below freezing. slippery conditions after the snowstorm has moved out and finished in this area. there is also the effect we heard for the first time the phrase flash freezing in areas southeast of boston. flooding and because of that, those areas are experiencing flash freezing because the temperatures have dipped to below freezing on the roadways and creating more treacherous conditions. as we pull off i-93 to the exit we will try to get out of the vehicle and show you the capability. what we can tell you is the state police told us what they are most worried about are people leaving vehicles by the sides of the roads. we have seen people leaving cars
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in exits and on the sides of highways. police are warning people don't do that. it is making it more dangerous for the plow trucks and spreaders and salt trucks to do their jobs and more dangerous for first responders to help these people and remove vehicles from the roads. a total of at least ten people in the midwest and eastern united states have died as a result of the storm. we were south of boston earlier where a woman was struck and killed by a snow plow in a parking lot. as we pull into a parking lot of a gas station here we can tell you here that the parking lots are not necessarily safe. pulling in here. i'll get out of the vehicle and talk to the dash camera while our photo journalist gets his camera out. this is a snowstorm with record totals of snow for a seven day
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period and for a ten-day period. now they are coming out of it. between the freezing roads and other conditions here they are not out of the woods yet. again, you know authorities are saying this was really unprecedented in the nature of the double hit of the storm from the 2 1/2 foot blizzard last week and this blizzard of up to 16 inches in boston. the visibility was terrible on the roads. now they are just starting to dig out of this record setting event. brian todd cnn, andover, massachusetts. >> two deaths of the storms happened north of new york city. the drivers got out to examine the damage and struck and killed by a minivan when that drive lost control on the roadway. one man injured in brooklyn by a manhole explosion.
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caused by melting snow mixing with salt. new york firefighters say the victim was walking by when the first of two underground explosions launched the manhole cover 50 feet in the air strikes striking him as it fell. he was taken to the hospital. melting snow on long island. roadways flooded there and now it is all frozen into black ice in spots. in western new york snowfall snarling the commute and closing schools and businesses. >> this is a problem all over the northeast. pictures from southern maine. southern maine received more snow than they do in an average year. icy conditions prompted accidents on the roads. cars lost control and slammed into at least four plows.
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fortunately not serious injuries reported there. pennsylvania the roads forced pittsburgh schools to shutdown on monday. majority of schools instituted a delayed opening. what they want to do is wait for the road conditions to improve so all students can make it to school safely. the dome of a soccer stadium collapsed in michigan. the weight of the snow was too much for the dome in pontiac. no injuries reported thankfully. more flight cancellations in new york boston and chicago as the cities dig out from the storm. today, more than 500 flights are already canceled with new york laguardia and boston logan hitted hardest. that number is growing. add that to almost 8,000 flights canceled on sunday and monday. that makes this storm almost as bad as last week's blizzard for airlines. perspective here. despite back-to-back storms,
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this winter has been relatively mild. i know you are throwing your shoes at the tv. it is true. airlines canceled 50,000 flights in january. >> the shoes not hit the tv. a pile of snow is blocking it. >> your snow boots. developing this morning, more cases of the measles is spreading concern. 14 infants have been quarantined at a child care center at santa monica high school center. no word yesterday if authorities linked that case to disneyland as dozens of cases have been linked to the outbreak at disneyland. of course this has now spread all over the country. there are serious questions about who is choosing not to vaccinate their children and the risk it is putting on everyone else. elizabeth cohen is tracking this and has the latest. >> reporter: john and christine, the centers for disease control and prevention has come out with
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new measles numbers. in the month of january, 102 people had the measles and that is spread out over 14 states. 92% of the cases related to disneyland. obviously some weren't. one of them is new york college student. this student got on an amtrak train from the penn station in new york city. there is concern that student might have spread measles to other people on the train. so many people are asking what do i do if i was on that train. you really have to talk to your doctor. some people have full immunity from the measles. if they were born after 1990, they got two doses of the vaccine. other people born before 1990 might not have full immunity. back then they may only give one shot. it works fine for some people but not everybody. you have to talk to your doctor to figure out your particular situation. measles is an incredibly
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contagious disease. it spreads through the air. if someone walked into the room and had measles and walked out and you walk in an hour later and you had not been vaccinated you could get measles. it is recontagious. it is a disease that needs to be taken seriously. before vaccines 400 to 500 americans died from measles. 4,000 would get brain swelling. john christine. >> thank you, elizabeth. a lot of people asking me if we could say the risks of measles. there are parents who don't think the risks are significant enough to justify vaccinating. the cdc says children under 5 are the biggest risk. pregnant women can have low birth children. the swelling of the brain is a serious concern, but pneumonia is how children die from measles. they get pneumonia and don't
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recover. there is a deafness. deaf deafness is a real risk. ear infections and causes deafness. children under 5, your baby under 5, who has had one round of vaccination, but not series is at risk. >> not just your children but other children. >> as the measles outbreak spreads, the debate over vaccinations has left the medical arena. there is no debate in the medical arena. it has entered the political arena. kentucky senator rand paul and governor chris christie weighing in. both favor parents getting kids vaccinated, but. >> it is more important as a parent and what you think as a public official. that's what we do. i also understand that parents need to have some measure of choice in things as well. that's the balance that the government has to decide. >> for most of us history, they have been voluntary.
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i don't think i'm arguing out of the ordinary. >> there is no doubt where hillary clinton stands. the would-be democratic front runner runner the science is clear. the earth is round, the sky is blue. breaking overnight, the first glimpse of fidel castro in months. why now and what could this mean for new u.s. and cuba relations? we are live in havana next. [ male announcer ] you wouldn't leave your car unprotected. but a lot of us leave our identities unprotected. nearly half a million cars were stolen in 2012, but for every car stolen 34 people had their identities stolen. identity thieves can steal your money, damage your credit and wreak havoc on your life. why risk it when you can help protect yourself from identity theft with one call to lifelock, the leader in identity-theft protection? lifelock actively patrols your sensitive, personal information
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every second of every day, helping to guard your social security number, your bank accounts and credit, even the equity in your home -- your valuable personal assets. look. your bank may alert you to suspicious activity on your credit or debit card. but that still may leave you vulnerable to big losses if a thief opens new accounts in your name or decides to drain your savings, home equity, or retirement accounts. and your credit report may only tell you after your identity's been compromised. but lifelock is proactive protection and watches out for you in ways that banks and credit-card companies alone just can't giving you the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. whenever the patented lifelock identity alert system detects a threat to your identity you'll be notified by phone, text, or e-mail, helping you to stop identity thieves before they do damage. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's right. if your identity is ever compromised, lifelock will spend up to $1 million on experts
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to help restore it. you wouldn't leave your car unprotected. don't leave your money, credit and good name unprotected. call now, and try lifelock risk-free for 60 days. act now, and get this document shredder free. that's a $29 value. ♪ or go to try lifelock risk-free for 60 days and get this document shredder free -- a $29 value -- when you use promo code go. call now.
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breaking overnight, new images is surfacing of fidel castro. the pictures were taken late last month. they appear as the rumors swirl of the health of the former president. what does this mean as the
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country is moving forward with the tie was the united states? we have patrick with more. >> reporter: the 21 photos acknowledges for the first time that cubans have been anxious. they heard no news from former leader fidel castro. a former world leader who used to talk for hours. speeches of five or ten hours. then silence. the most significant news to come from cuba in years. the restoration of relations with the united states. cubans could not believe that fidel castro were alive and well he would not have an opinion or share it. last month, we got a column from castro but no photos. this is the government's effort to quell the rumors that something had happened to fidel castro. very engaged in the discussion with the university student. we can get clues of the timing of the photo.
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we tell from the newspaper taken after three cuban spies returned from the united states to cuba in december. some things never change john according to the article, fidel castro spoke to the university student for over three hours. john. >> no sense, if this means greater engagement with the public or any sense of offering new opinions on the current situation between cuba and the united states? >> reporter: you just really never know. a mistake to predict what fidel castro will do. you have not seen any images since last august with the venezuela president. we see 21 photos with his wife, who is never mentioned in cuban state media. that is almost unprecedented. you can try to predict what he will do next but you would be
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wrong. >> interesting. patrick patrick, thank you. testimony resumes in the aaron hernandez trial. the girlfriend of odin lloyd is expected to testify. she testified last week that the two men were in the early stages of the friendship when lloyd died. the family of bobbi kristina brown is in the hospital fighting for her life. she was found unresponsive in a bathtub in her home over the weekend. almost three years since her mother's death. the family is asking for privacy. the u.s. considering new help this morning for ukraine. war with pro-russian separatists caring that country apart. we are breaking this down on what this means for the u.s.
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ukraine and u.s. and russia relations next. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing,
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the obama administration considering sending anti-tank systems and other aid to ukraine to help pro-russian. the pentagon favors accepted ss sending defensive lethal aid. still considering what reaction that would have in moscow. secretary of state john kerry is
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headed to ukraine to meet with petro poroshenko. we have matthew chance with latest on the story. >> reporter: it will have unforeseen consequences in moscow. the kremlin hasn't talked about it so far. pressure on the kremlin is pulling back support in ukraine. the big gamble is that if the u.s. government decides to provide military aid or weaponry to the ukrainian government forces in that civil war in ukraine, the russians could redouble their support for the pro-russian rebels. that could widen conflict in ukraine putting millions of lives at risk. that is the balance that president obama has to weigh on this important decision.
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>> matthew chance thanks for that. tense situation gets more tense by the day between the pro-russian rebels and ukraine government. >> we have remarkable images from the airport lately. 25 minutes after the hour. record-breaking snowstorm pounds the northeast. this morning, the snow has stopped, but there are new problems because the temperatures are falling and they are going to stay low. the ice is thick, it is treacherous. we will tell you what you need to know coming up.
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happening now, the northeast digging out again from a record-breaking snowstorm. icy roads creating a dangerous morning commute for millions. airlines cancelling flights. we are tracking the damage done and what is still to come. measles outbreak. this virus is spreading because decisions some people in the country are making. new cases are popping up. we are tracking latest and now politicians are weighing in creating new controversy. breaking overnight. proof of life? pictures released of fidel castro following speculation that the former leader could be dead. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman. near the northeast and midwest, digging out from a record-breaking deadly snowstorm. plows struggling to keep up with
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the heavy and wet snow on top of all the big accumulations from last week. boston smashed a record for the snowiest seven days in the history at 34.2 inches. the winter storm blamed for ten deaths in seven states. the snow is causing major problems for travel as well. more than 4,300 flights canceled. more scratched since sunday. is more on the way? let's bring in meteorologist pedram javaheri for the forecast. >> almost over. we will have a bit more snow later this week. a 1,500 mile stretch in the midwest and out to boston with 1 to 2 feet of snow. that is the snow depth across the region. expansive. that will stay in place because the temperatures are cold. 25 to 35 below in interior new england.
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windchill advisories in place. dangerous temperatures. exposure to your skin, five or six minutes and it could cause permanent damage. chicago, the snowstorm. detroit with the third largest. i looked at the numbers. in boston officials have plowed about 150,000 miles of roads so far in season. i did the math. that is going around the circumference of the earth six times. that is how far they plowed in the several weeks. cancellations exceeding 7,700. now preemptive cancellations into tuesday. temperatures below freezing. supporting all of this sticking around for the next couple of days. the question john and christine, what is going to be the next couple of days? the next 24 hours, high pressure builds and mostly sunny skies.
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same story for wednesday. on wednesday afternoon, a clipper system drops in and this brings with it a couple of inches of snowshowers north of new york city. we can guarantee it will be brutally cold and colder than what we are seeing right now across the region as the jet stream takes a nose dive. the temperatures could be in the low single digits. lows around 1 to 2 on friday morning in boston and maybe 5 to 6 degrees without the wind in new york city on friday. hang in there. >> it is so cold pedram the snow sounds different when you step on it. it is so cold and brittle. you give us a mixed bag. the storm has been brutal for boston. creating chaos and folks having fun. watch these guys lose control of the atv. they whacked into a parked car and sped off. the storm slamming waves over the sea wall in marshfield
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massachusetts. the storm forcing the delay until wednesday of jury selection in the trial of accused boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev. also postponed until wednesday, the ticker tape parade for the patriots. >> the patriots won the super bowl. i don't know if you told you. >> a heroes welcome. meteorologist jennifer gray is on the streets of boston this morning. she has the latest. >> reporter: john and christine, as the snow ends in boston temperatures will plummet. single digits with windchill values 10 to 20 degrees below zero. high temperatures later today don't get out of the teens. that is why the parade has been postponed. the city needed an extra day to get all of the snow moved off the parade route. we are not on the parade route right now. crews have been trying to plow the streets and haul all of the snow. they have three snow farms they are taking it to. they have machines they are putting it in and melting it and
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putting it in drains under ground. it has been brutal in boston. the morning commute will be rough because temperatures getting so cold. all of the slush on the roads will freeze. even new york city worried about an icy commute this morning. be extra careful. john and christine, doesn't look like we will see anymore snow for the next 24 to 48 hours, but we will be in for some very very cold temperatures. >> we have that to look forward to. two of the deaths in the storm happened on i-95 north of new york city. a car and shuttle bus collided. drivers got out to examine the damage and struck and killed by a minivan when that driver lost control. one man injured in brooklyn by a manhole explosion caused by melting snow mixed with salt according to con ed.
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new york officials say the victim was walking by when the first of two explosions launched the manhole cover 50 feet in the air and struck the man. he was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. the melting snow on long island. roadways flooded and now frozen. temperatures so low, there is just nowhere for the water to go. western new york snowfall totals of a foot or more making problems for the commute. a lot of schools and businesses still closed. having a big affect all over the northeast. i want to show you pictures of maine. icy conditions leading to accidents in maine also in vermont. awful scene as cars lost control on the roadway slamming into at least four snow plows. no serious injuries reported. in pennsylvania slick roads forced pittsburgh schools to
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shutdown on monday. today, a majority of schools have already instituted delayed openings. they want to wait for the road conditions to improve before sending kids to school. the dome of a soccer stadium collapsed in michigan. the weight from the heavy snow proving too much for the wind star dome in pontiac. the roof collapsed. no one was inside at the time and no injuries reported. airports digs out this morning. seeing more cancellations in new york boston and chicago. already more than 500 flights canceled today. new york laguardia and boston's logan with the most. on sunday and monday winter weather caused almost 7,000 canceled flights. that makes this storm almost as bad as the blizzard last week for the airlines. this is causing a backlog of travelers which will take days to fix. passengers end up spending about
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$58,000 for all passengers supposed to be on a flight because of extra lodging and meals. developing this morning, new cases of the measles being reported. also new concern about just how fast it is spreading. 14 infants have been quarantined at child care center on the santa monica high school campus after an infant came down with measles. no word if that case is linked to disneyland as dozens of cases have been. now this is spreading as a nationwide issue. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen tracking the outbreak. >> reporter: john and christine, the centers for disease control and prevention has come out with new measles numbers. in the month of january, 102 people had the measles over 14 states. 92% of the cases were related to disneyland. obviously, some weren't. one is a new york college
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student. this student got on a train at penn station. there is concern that student may have spread measles to others on the train. some people asking what to do if they were on the train. talk to your doctor. some people have full immunity of the measles. if you were born after 1990, you got two doses of the vaccine. others born before 1990 may not have full immunity. back then they only give people one shot. that worked fine for some people but didn't work fine for everybody. you have to talk to your doctor to figure out your particular situation. now it is important to remember measles is an incredibly contagious disease. it spreads through the air. if someone walked into the room and had measles and walked out. you walk in an hour later and not vaccinated you could get measles. it is a disease that needs to be taken seriously.
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before vaccines 400 to 500 americans every year died from the measles. and about 4,000 would get encephalitis or brain swelling. the cdc is keeping an eye on this expecting it to grow bigger. >> many would have deafness and blindness and mental retardation. the medical community this morning with the controversy with the measles talk entering the political arena. kentucky senator rand paul and governor chris christie. both favor parents getting kids vaccinated but. >> much more important what you think as a parent and a public official. that is what we do. i also understand that parents need to have measure of choice in things as well. that is the balance that the government has to decide. >> for most of us history, they
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voluntary. i don't think i'm arguing anything out of the ordinary. >> meantime no doubt where hillary clinton stands. the would-be democratic front runner tweeted this, the science is clear. the earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work. >> candidate obama said he had personal questions back when he was running. now he says the science and medicine is clear. you should have children vaccinated. >> public health officials say this is the success of the vaccination. they have the luxury of not even remembering what it was like not having 500 people die of a horrible death of measles. in other parts of the world, they would kill to have widespread vaccination, but don't have the public health infrastructure. 41 minutes after the hour. president obama will deliver the
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2016 budget to congress along with a pep talk. he actually did it yesterday. he asked lawmakers to put politics aside and fund economic priorities. house majority leader john boehner says the nearly $4 trillion proposal is filled with more taxes and spending and debt. the republicans intend to offer a different plan they say will balance the budget. they will offer that plan this spring. breaking overnight. images surfaced of long time cuban leader fidel castro. cuban tv claim these pictures were taken on february 24rd. possibly to fend on rumors of his health is waning. he has rarely been seen in public since handing over power
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to his brother raul in 2006. happening now, this morning, new silence from the terrorists. there is concern that this man may already be dead. we are live with the latest next.
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captured military pilot mu'ath al kaseasbeh. isis has not provided evidence he is alive. jordan could release the convicted suicide bomber if isis let's the pilot go. we have jomana karadsheh with the latest. isis as we know difficult to deal with and negotiate with with very brutal results. >> reporter: christine, what we do know from jordanian officials that the indirect communications that they had open with isis to try to secure the release of the pilot mu'ath al kaseasbeh, they say the lines are still open. as you mentioned, the most critical thing for jordanian issians is the proof of life. they have not gotten it. at the end of the week we saw the jordanian government coming out publicly and asking for any evidence from isis that mu'ath
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al kaseasbeh is alive and well. they have yet to get that. this is really concerning for so many jordanians here. the question is if he is alive and he is well why has isis, this organization that has released so many sophisticated propaganda videos and images has not released anything in 40 days since his capture. so many jordanians christine, hold on to hope he is still alive. we went to a candle light vigil in amman where people were remembering kenji goto. the hostage apparently executed by isis. they were condemning terrorism and praying for the safe return of mu'ath al kaseasbeh. >> jomana thank you. 48 minutes after the hour. the u.s. could be getting more involved in the war in ukraine. we are live with the new help
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that could be headed that way and what it means for the u.s. relations with russia.
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new this morning, the obama administration considering sending anti-tank systems and other lethal aid to help ukraine defend against attacks from pro-russian rebels in eastern
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part of the country. the u.s. official tells cnn that the pentagon favors sending defensive lethal aid. the white house still trying to assess the reaction would be from russia. secretary of state john kerry is headed to ukraine on thursday to meet with petro poroshenko. we are joined by matthew chance for latethe latest. matthew, it is difficult to imagine outarming the russians here but what is the consideration here for more aid to ukraine? >> reporter: there hasn't been a direct reaction to that although the foreign minister of the country said he believes that washington has been biassed in favor of the government in kiev in the pro-russian rebels. it is good to ask which weapons
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the ukraine would have. it would bolster the support for the rebels. that is what the officials have to balance. the conflict is limited to a small area in eastern ukraine. that conflict could expand particularly if washington gets involved in addressing the imbalance and forces on the ground. that could be a disaster for many many people across ukraine who will be caught up in that fighting. >> nevertheless ukraine losing ground in days and weeks. the u.s. may be considering only arming them will stop that tide. matthew chance in moscow. gas prices have been falling for months but that trend could be over. >> what? >> an early start on your money is next. [ male announcer ouldn't leave your car unprotected. but a lot of us leave our identities unprotected. nearly half a million cars were stolen in 2012, but for every car stolen 34 people had their identities stolen. identity thieves can steal your money,
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let's get an early start on your money. rebounding oil prices giving stocks a lift. asian and european stocks are higher. yesterday, the dow gained 200 points for the first day of trading in february. the s&p rallied above the 2,000 number. crude oil is above $50 a barrel for the first time in a month. prices have been falling since last summer. this bounce could mean maybe prices have found a bottom. >> that is a big spike. >> that slide in gas prices may be over. gas prices fell for more than 120 days in a row. last week prices bottomed out at $2.03. they are ticking back up.
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$2.07 a gallon. that is average for the country. gas prices are likely to keep ticking up as we head into spring. still, the average price is below $2 a gallon in 23 states. it is still a stimulus. rents are rising faster than wages wages. homeownership is lowest since 1994. the president's right hand man on housing says this is the year to reverse that trend. >> i see 2015 as a year of housing opportunity, particularly homeownership. good example is the fha mortgage insurance premium reduction. a savings of $900 annually. >> a big change for a lot of borrowers. julian castro says the premium reduction will not cause the same problems as the housing bubble. we have to make it easier for people to buy a home. he will be hillary clinton's
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vice presidential running mate. visit the entire interview at >> a lot of speculation. >> that's a face to remember. "early start" continues right now. >> the northeast pounded by another deadly record-breaking snowstorm. this morning, roads covered with ice, thousands of flights canceled and schools closed as a new arctic chill moves in. we are breaking down what you need to know and what you need to wear for the commute. measles outbreak. it is spreading. new cases creating concern and controversy. this morning the politicians are weighing in. is this really a political issue? breaking overnight, pictures of fidel castro after growing rumors that the former dictator could be dead. good


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